Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Below Sea Level

We all know how Venice looks like, right?....Venice is dubbed as a floating city in Europe. Well, it was meant to be like that. Been there when I was younger, and the place is nothing but amazing!

Now, here's a picture of Metro Manila which reminds me of Venice...
Looks similar to Venice isn't it? BUT what you'll see in Venice are boats streaming the alley and not a BUS nor CARS! People in Venice would ride a boat going to one place to another and not walking through the "used to be" highway but now a river! And well obviously, in Venice the "floating city" is one of Europe's tourist attractions. But here in the Philippines this picture which shows Metro Manila's situation right now is one hell of a disaster!
Tropical Storm Ondoy have left Luzon (NCR and Central Luzon to be precise) a very awful story.
Thousands have lost their house(s), hundreds have died, and several are still missing.
The rainfall that Ondoy have given in just a span of 9 hours is as much water Philippines should be getting in ONE MONTH!
It's good to hear that after the storm, relief goods for the victims are over-flowing. And as of writing, goods and cash donations are still coming.
To those of you who have read this, please do your share. Donate and share whatever you have. FOODS, BOTTLED WATER, UNUSED CLOTHES, and CASH DONATIONS ARE ALSO WELCOME.